What started with a man, Mohamed Bouazizi, lighting himself on fire in Tunisia in late December has erupted into pro-democracy movements across the Arab world. With the focus on Egypt's massive show of people power, up-and-coming actions and current rallying in other nations isn't being given the reportage that it should.
In fact, the whole mess isn't being discussed with the gravitas it deserves. What we are witnessing here is huge; mass, popular uprising in multiple nations spurred on by years of oppression and poverty.
The IO highly recommends online news readers turn to sources such as Al Jazeera for informed coverage of this multi-faceted story. Western news outlets simply aren't equipped for this kind of event, casting everything as they do through their biased lenses.
For instance; do not for one minute believe that the US government is anxious to see anyone but another Mubarak style leadership ruling Egypt.
For all their bluster blown and bullets fired in an attempt to 'spread democracy', the truth of the matter is that when the seeds of democracy bloom in the only soil they actually can - the will of the people - it doesn't matter what administration is behind the wheel; the US will attempt to stifle it.
Fortunately for those who truly hope for peace and freedom, I don't think America's influence is potent enough; not anymore. The great American Empire is quickly falling into tatters. We may not only be witnessing the beginning of a new era of Arab freedom, amazing enough as that is - we may be seeing the final days of serious American political influence in a corner of the world where it has traditional brought only oppression and death.
These are indeed very interesting times. Stay tuned!
From the Globe and Mail; seven countries now have varying stages of active revolt. Get some pics and the basics here.
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